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Freedom of Choice


Freedom of Choice

Imagine going out to eat and ordering a salad, only to have the waiter tell you that you may not have it, that you must have the meat instead. How would you feel? The choice between soup and meat is a fairly benign one, but it demonstrates a characteristic of human nature: we don't like to be forced into decisions we're capable of making for ourselves. We resist compulsion. Even when we face more serious decisions, ones with moral implications, it is important that we can make our own choice. That is what is called Freedom.  


Unfortunately, in Serbia Freedom of Choice was abolished by recent legislations in a very important area of life. In the area of Law and the right to choose at your own free will the Attorney or Lawyer who will represent you.


Those legal changes adopted by Serbian Parliament will force all Citizens to go to Notary Public in search of legal aid in the following areas of Law: Real estate contracts, Matrimonial and Inheritance contract. This exclusivity given to the small group of people formed in 94 elected Notary Public will lead to their monopoly in providing legal assistance in the mentioned areas, and in the end to the full destruction of Autonomy of Will, and Freedom of Choice guaranteed by our Constitution.


This is the main reason why Attorneys in Serbia stood up to meet this challenge.  Constitution gave us our agency and will always respect our freedom to make choices. And this time we made one. We shall defend the Constitution and Freedom of Choice even if it means ceasing to exist! Because if we don’t, then we do not deserve to be called Attorneys, then we are nothing.


And Finally, we shall bring the rule to the Law!


Aleksandar N. Djordjevic, attorney-at-law

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Ja imam samo reči. Njima branim, zastupam i od njih živim. One su moja snaga moj najveći dar. Probaću rečima uvaženo veće da doprem do Vas kako biste doneli pravilnu i zakonitu presudu. Naspram mene stoji stena. Brižljivo isklesana od strane tužioca do najsitnijeg detalja. Na toj steni sve je savršeno. Pravilne je boje, oblika i takve visine da zaklanja pogled na ono što se nalazi iza nje. A iza nje je istina. Da bi nju videli moramo se mi izdići iznad očiglednosti pa naš pogled usmeriti ka nečemu što se na toj steni odmah ne primećuje. Moramo pogledati dole, na sam početak, a ka jednoj maloj pukotini! Ona nije tu voljom optužbe, iako deluje da je deo klesanog mozaika tužioca. Kada je spoznamo biće nam jasno da je ta stena šuplja i da ju je dovoljno samo pogurati da se ona kao kula od karata obruši i nestane otvarajući nam tako pogled ka istini! Tu istinu tražim da vidite, ne radi mene ili mog branjenika već zarad pravičnosti. Prepoznajte istinu! Donesite oslobađajuću presudu!

Tužna je činjenica da borba za opšti interes može uspeti jedino ako je on u saglasnosti sa privatnim interesom onog koji tu borbu vodi.

Zbog toga se na kraju ponovo vraćam na početak , na Pravdu, na onu statuu slepe žene što je većina nas ima na svojim radnim stolovima i poručujem nam svima: Otvorimo četvoro oči i budimo njeni branioci uvek i za sva vremena.

Nije ni čudo što živimo izmišljenu budućnost jer prošlost još uvek nismo naučili.

I najveći filosof Sokrat, svetionik slobode govora je hapšen i osuđen na smrt. Umro je u tamnici ispivši otrov. Danas 24 veka nakon njegove smrti ceo svet je čuo za Sokrata, a za njegove tužioce i sudije niko! Zato setite se Sokrata!